Godless! Atheists complain about gospel music at MLK Day celebration


The good people of Hobbs, New Mexico are under siege from a Wisconsin-based group of atheists, agnostics and free-thinkers who are angry that gospel songs were performed during a Martin Luther King, Jr. Day program.

“It is laudable that the city is celebrating Dr. King and promoting unity within the community,” Freedom From Religion Foundation legal fellow Christopher Line wrote in a letter to city leaders. “However, including gospel music and religious messages in the celebration is inappropriate.”

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is a Wisconsin-based group of atheists, agnostics and free-thinkers who seem hell-bent on eradicating Christianity from the public square.

On Jan. 15 the city hosted a MLK Day march and program at Booker T. Washington Elementary School. The program was advertised as “an opportunity to display hope and faith.”READ MORE

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On Monday, CNN paid tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. in a bizarre post that suggested his wisdom led to socialism and environmentalism, rather than to racial reconciliation. Here’s the tweet:

Now, this is a nice revisionist take. King Jr. was indeed a socialist; he wasn’t much of an environmentalist. John Blake, the writer, leads off by dismissing the reason we celebrate the holiday:

As the nation celebrates King’s national holiday Monday, it’s easy to freeze-frame him as the benevolent dreamer carved in stone on the Washington Mall. Yet the platitudes that frame many King holiday events often fail to mention the most radical aspects of his legacy, says Jeanne Theoharis, a political science professor at Brooklyn College and author of several books on the civil rights movement.

But those “platitudes” were the heart of King Jr.’s legacy. Does anyone celebrate him because he mouthed Marxist nonsense about economics? Of course not. The reason America cherishes King Jr. is because of those supposed “platitudes,” just as we cherish George Washington as the “father of the country,” not because he held slaves. – READ MORE


This Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, the NAACP wants man-made global warming to be seen as a civil rights issue, arguing King’s vision of a society free of racial injustice can’t be achieved without addressing warming.

“We see climate change as a civil rights issue,” Jacqueline Patterson, head of the NAACP’s environmental and climate justice program, said in an online radio spotfor the Yale Center for Environmental Connection.

Environmental activists have been increasingly framing global warming as a matter of “environmental justice,” since “minority and low-income populations are disproportionately affected by global warming,” Patterson told Yale’s online radio Climate Connections.

Traditionally, such concerns focused on traditional pollutants from factories or vehicles, but the NAACP is expanding it to carbon dioxide, which scientists blame for warming the Earth in recent decades. – READ MORE

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