Rob Reiner: Trump Presidency the ‘Last Battle of the Civil War’


Rob Reiner continued his steady criticism of President Donald Trump at the African-American Film Critics Association awards Wednesday night, characterizing his presidency as the “last battle of the Civil War.”

The actor and filmmaker — one of the most outspoken celebrity critics of the Trump administration — was on hand at the Taglyan Complex in Hollywood Wednesday night to receive the Stanley Kramer Award for Social Justice.

“(Donald Trump) gets into office and there are good people on both sides in Charlottesville and there are people coming from sh*thole countries and it goes on and on, and you see the people he hires that are in his administration and we see that this has now become the last battle of the Civil War,” Reiner said while accepting his award, according to Variety.

“I’ve taken a very strong stance not only against him, but on his lack of response to the Russian invasion of our democracy,” he added. “The Russian trolls and the bots, they are not happy with me.” – READ MORE

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Director and actor Rob Reiner took to Twitter on Wednesday to prove yet again that he’s more than willing to go low to try to score some political points with his lefty buddies in Tinseltown. In the process, he also proved that the Left will gleefully engage in the kinds of “homophobic” attacks they condemn from the Right.

Reiner, who’s becoming notorious for nasty tweets, lashed out at President Trump and Vice President Pence in a lewd post in which he somehow managed to misspell the operative word.

“If you want to see a VP perform falatio on a POTUS, check out today’s cabinet meeting,” wrote Reiner. “Just keeping him happy before the hammer comes down.”

As Twitchy highlights, some of the blowback on Twitter was brutal — and far more witty than Reiner’s mini-rant. – READ MORE

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