GET READY: If Dems Retake The House, They’re Planning Their Own Russia Probe


Democrats are already plotting out how to resurrect a House of Representatives probe into whether Russian officials conspired with the Trump campaign to alter the outcome of the 2016 elections, if they retake the House in November.

The Associated Press reports that Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, remains unsatisfied with a Republican probe into Russian interference which turned up evidence of meddling, particularly on social media, but nothing that would connect the Trump campaign directly to Russian hackers. So Schiff will try again.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly due to wrap up his own official probe into Russian meddling in November after the midterm elections, and media with sources close to the investigation are already managing expectations, downplaying the importance of any official report and suggesting that Mueller may not release his findings for public consumption.

Democrats like Schiff, and fellow California Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell, say they’ll wait for Mueller to conclude his investigation before jumping into one of their own, but there are things they’re convinced Mueller has missed and issues that may be relevant to a collusion probe that other investigations have ignored. – READ MORE


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