Gary Bauer: Kavanaugh Confirmation Process ‘Political Waterboarding,’ Redux of Clarence Thomas ‘Hi-Tech Lynching’


Gary Bauer, Conservative Activist And Former President Of The Family Research Council (Frc), Said On Friday That The Politicization Of The Supreme Court Nominee Confirmation Process Has Been Going On For Decades But Is Reaching New Levels Today As The United States Senate Considers Brett Kavanaugh For A Seat On The High Court.

“This is a travesty,” Bauer said at the 2018 Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C.  “I cannot imagine what it has felt like for Judge Kavanaugh to be in that hearing room.”

“It’s almost like political waterboarding — that’s what our political process has become,” Bauer said.

Bauer, who has been in Washington for more than three decades and has witnessed the confirmation process for judges in four Republican administrations, provided a history lesson, beginning with President Ronald Reagan’s nomination of Robert Bork, who was voted down because he was an atheist by a Senate that is tasked with preserving and protecting Americans’ religious liberty. – READ MORE


Democrats are poised to ask questions about the drinking culture of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s high school when the judge faces the Senate Judiciary Committee following a sexual misconduct allegation.

“We want to hear — I would be wanting to hear what kind of environment it was in high school,” Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, said Sunday during an interview with CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“Apparently, there was a lot of drinking and partying going on,” she continued. “This is why we need an investigation. We need an independent investigation that lays all of that out for us, so there’s at least some chance of some outside entity, like the FBI, doing an investigation.”

Hirono, who sits on the panel, added she would do everything in her power to ensure Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, can talk to the committee about her claim that Kavanaugh drunkenly forced himself on her during a high school party in the 1980s “free of intimidation, fear and the kind of threats she’s already getting for even coming forward with this.” – READ MORE

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