Ex-Scientologist: Church ‘Auditioned’ Scarlett Johansson To Be Tom Cruise’s Girlfriend. Johansson Responds.


A claim by an ex-Scientologist on Megyn Kelly Today on Wednesday elicited a sharp response from “Avengers” actress Scarlett Johansson.

Former Scientologist Brendan Tighe, who says he was once required to sign a “Billion-Year Contract” with the group’s infamous Sea Organization before he left six years ago, told NBC host Megyn Kelly that in his role as security guard for the cult, he had a lot of contact with some big names, including one of the organization’s most high-profile promoters, Tom Cruise.

As Yahoo Entertainment highlights, among Tighe’s many “bizarre stories” about Cruise, including those who came in frequent contact with him being required to get their teeth whitened, was an alleged church-conducted search for a replacement significant other for Cruise after his marriage with Nicole Kidman dissolved in 2001.

Tighe told Kelly that he accidentally came upon evidence of the church’s alleged attempts to “audition” Cruise’s next girlfriend. Reports on the girlfriend search, he said, were mistakenly sent to his printer.

“The only [name in the reports] I recognized was Scarlett Johansson,” he told Kelly. “That particular report said [the attempt] didn’t go well. And that another actress, Erika Christensen [co-star of “The Perfect Score”], had to disconnect from Scarlett Johansson because that didn’t go well.”READ MORE

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