The Department of Justice on Wednesday confirmed that the Office of Intelligence Community Inspector General ruled the so-called “whistleblower” who issued a complaint regarding President Donald Trump’s discussions with foreign leaders possessed a “political bias” that was “in favor of a rival political candidate.”
According to a memo released by the Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel on Wednesday, the inspector general stated that it received a complaint of “urgent concern,” though the OLC determined the matter “does not involve an ‘urgent concern’” or require that the national intelligence director send the complaint to House and Senate intelligence committees.
The OLC memo reads that the so-called “whistleblower” exhibited signs of “political bias,” yet the inspector general still found the still-anonymous individual to be credible.
“Although the ICIG’s preliminary review found ‘some indica of an arguable political bias on the part of the Complainant in favor of a rival political candidate,’ the ICIG concluded that the complaint’s allegations nonetheless appeared credible,” reads the opinion.
Fox News correspondent Ed Henry was first to report on the allegations of “political bias” in favor of a Trump rival on Tuesday evening. – READ MORE