Director Defends Netflix Film from Child Pornography Accusations


Argentinian movie director Diego Kaplan is defending his erotic thriller, Desire, after the film was accused of containing child pornography.

In a scene of the movie, a pre-teenaged girl is shown accidentally discovering how to masturbate and achieve orgasm while watching a cowboy movie and pretending to ride an oversized pillow as if it were a horse.

But Diego Kaplan is defending the film as fantasy, not reality.

Despair is a film. When we see a shark eating a woman on film, no one thinks the woman really died or that the shark was real,” he said in a statement released on June 29. “We work in a world of fiction; and, for me, before being a director comes being a father.”

“Of course, this scene was filmed using a trick, which was that the girls were copying a cowboy scene from a film by John Ford. The girls never understood what they were doing, they were just copying what they were seeing on the screen. No adult interacted with the girls, other than the child acting coach. Everything was done under the careful surveillance of the girls’ mothers. Because I knew this scene might cause some controversy at some point, there is “Making Of” footage of the filming of the entire scene.

Everything works inside the spectators’ heads, and how you think this scene was filmed will depend on your level of depravity.”READ MORE

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