DHS offers grant to prepare high school students for ‘mass casualty events’


The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is offering a $1.8 million grant to train high school students to be prepared for “mass casualty events.”

The DHS is accepting applications for the School-Age Trauma Training grant until Aug. 27. The grant will provide high school age students with training that will prepare them to “assist victims with traumatic injuries” before emergence responders arrive, according to a description of the grant. The document does not specify which “mass casualty events” students will be prepared for.

The grant was first reported Monday by The Young Turks.

The grant description notes that uncontrolled bleeding is the “number one cause of preventable death from trauma” and says the training would teach students to stop uncontrolled bleeding by “using materials readily found at an incident or worn by the victim and citizen responders.”- READ MORE

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