Despite Past Criticism, Romney Predicts Trump Will Dominate 2020 Election


As former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney returns to the national stage with a U.S. Senate bid in Utah, he has emerged with a revised analysis of the Trump administration.

The 2012 Republican presidential nominee became one of the party’s fiercest opponents of candidate Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign season.

Though he retains much of that criticism as it pertains to Trump’s combative style of politics, Romney nonetheless thinks the president is in a better-than-expected position ahead of the 2020 election.

In recent remarks to Republican donors, the candidate cited the economy and Democratic shortsightedness as the two leading reasons for his positive prediction.

“I think President Trump will be renominated by my party easily, and I think he’ll be re-elected solidly,” Romney said.

“I think that growth and the higher incomes people are seeing means that Republicans will do just fine in November,” he said. “I think we will hold the House. I think we’ll hold the Senate. I know a lot of pundits don’t believe that; I think we will.”

“I think that not just because of the strong economy and because people are increasingly seeing rising wages,” he said. “But I think it’s also true because I think our Democrat friends are likely to nominate someone who is really out of the mainstream of American thought and will make it easier for a president who is presiding over a growing economy.” – READ MORE

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