Democrats Openly Saying National Motto ‘In God We Trust’ Offends Them


According to Fox News, two Minnesota state senators led a very public challenge against a bill that would let the national motto back into high schools, should the high schools choose to display it.

The bill was authored by Republican Sen. Dan Hall, who says he did it to bring respect back to the Gopher State’s public schools.

“I only assume that if you take those things out of government, if you take the things that are respectful out, you’re going to put in something different,” Hall told Fox News. “We need to bring respect back to our country.”

Apparently, respect isn’t high on the agenda of Sens. Scott Dibble or John Marty, at least when it comes to matters involving the G-word. Both are members of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, which is the Democrat Party’s weird off-brand Minnesota state affiliate. Even though the bill would only let schools display the motto, not mandate its display, and even though the displays were privately funded, Dibble and Marty led a charge to defeat the bill.

It ultimately passed 38-29, according to the Twin Cities Pioneer Press, which means they were able to find 29 state senators to vote against displaying the national motto.

In fact, Marty went as far as to say the motto offended him.

“The money in my wallet has to say ‘In God We Trust.’ I think that’s offensive,” Marty said on the Senate floor. – READ MORE

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