Democrat Candidate Haley Stevens Erroneously Claims 1,600 Mass Shootings Since 2012 (VIDEO)


House Candidate Haley Stevens (D-mi-11) Is Running On A Gun Control Platform And Claiming There Have Been 1,600 Mass Shootings Since Sandy Hook.

Then, following the February 14, 2018, Parkland high school shooting she said, “The assault rifles have had their day” and claimed there have been “1,600 mass shootings since Sandy Hook.”

In reality, the number of mass shootings during the past 50 years is somewhere around 100.  Mother Jones reported a study by University of Alabama associate professor Adam Lankford which examined the years 1966 to 2012. Lankford found a total of “90 public mass shootings” in America during that time frame. Stevens is claiming there were “1,600” during the last six years. – READ MORE


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