Court Says Trump Supporters Assaulted At San Jose Rally Can Sue Police


“People were sucker-punched, people were hit in the head with bags of rocks, clothes torn off of them, elderly people had their glasses ripped off and had to flee for their lives.”

People who were assaulted at then-presidential candidate Donald Trump’s June 2016 San Jose rally are now able to sue the city’s police, according to a ruling by the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals delivered on Friday.

“Today’s sad reality is that if you are a conservative exercising your free speech in a liberal environment, and things turn violent — as they repeatedly have in the past two years — you cannot be assured that local law enforcement will step up and do their jobs to protect you,” Dhillon told the Daily Wire. “In effect, the Left has cleverly weaponized the police by pressuring and enabling selective law enforcement on the basis of viewpoint.”

Dhillon does not believe the violence in San Jose is unique but happens frequently, including in Berkeley, California with riots by Antifa and in Portland, Oregon where the police failed to protect ICE employees from the Occupy ICE protestors.

“Attend a Trump rally? Work for ICE or for the President? Advocate for race-neutral admissions and classroom fairness on campus? Increasingly, you’re on your own, and you better have backup if you want to avoid being punched, kicked, egged, or worse,” she added. – READ MORE


Politico Reporter Marc Caputo Mocked Attendees Of President Donald Trump’s Tampa Rally Tuesday Night, Referring To Them As Toothless “garbage People.”

UPDATE: After nearly 11 hours, Caputo posts an apology.

CNN Chief White House Correspondent Jim Acosta tweeted footage of being jeered by Trump supporters and claimed to be “very worried that the hostility whipped up by Trump and some in conservative media will result in somebody getting hurt.” Reacting to Acosta’s remarks, Caputo mocked the appearance of Trump rallygoers. “If you put everyone’s mouths together in this video, you’d get a full set of teeth,” he wrote.READ MORE

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