Court Hands Down Devastating Punishment for ‘ISIS Brides’


Sixteen Turkish women who fled their country to join their terrorist husbands in Iraq were sentenced by an Iraqi court Sunday to death by hanging, Deutsche Welle reported.

The death sentences were the latest in a series of controversial, fast-tracked trials involving foreign women who entered the country while the Islamic State group controlled a wide swath of it.

Courts in Baghdad are currently in the midst of trying hundreds of foreign women who were taken into custody after the collapse of the last Islamic State strongholds in Iraq during the past year.

“Some of the women, between the ages of 20 and 50, were accompanied by young children,” Deutsche Welle noted.

“The women told the court that they had entered Iraq illegally to be with their husbands who had left to join (the Islamic State group), which at the time was gaining significant ground in Iraq and Syria. One woman told the judge that she had actively taken part in the fighting.” – READ MORE

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