Cory ‘I Am Spartacus’ Booker: If We Win The House Or Senate We Could Impeach Kavanaugh


Speaking over the weekend, Senator Cory “I am Spartacus” Booker (D-NJ) statedthat if the Democrats win the Senate or House, impeaching Justice Brett Kavanaugh would be in the realm of possibility.

Booker told Yahoo, “The reality is, right now, Republicans control the House and the Senate, and there’s no way to do even an investigation unless we flip one of the houses. So I think even before you start focusing on questions about his truthfulness before a Senate committee, you’ve got to focus on the urgency of the work over the next 30 days, and that’s where my focus is. … I think that after the dust settles on the night of the 6th, I think that’s where we start to evaluate … what is the best thing for us to be focusing on in terms of what’s best for America and the American people.”- READ MORE


U.S. Sen. Cory Booker made his debut as a potential 2020 presidential contender, arriving in Iowa on Saturday — just hours after casting his Senate vote against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

The New Jersey Democrat was well-received at an Iowa Democrats’ gala in Des Moines, which featured around 1,400 activists in a state where Republicans control the governorship and both chambers of the Legislature, the Washington Post reported.

His visit is the first by a Democrat who is considered a top-tier candidate for the 2020 presidential election. He planned to stay in the state through Thursday.

A spokesman for Booker, Jeff Giertz, insisted the senator has not decided to run for president and is focused purely on the midterm elections.

Giertz added that Booker has campaigned in 20 states with the intention of supporting Democratic candidates who will be a check and balance against the actions of President Trump.

During his 45-minute speech, Booker compared the anguish many felt over Kavanaugh’s confirmation to when he watched a man die from a gunshot wound. – READ MORE

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