CNN’s Camerota: Ford’s Tale ‘Makes More Sense’ Given Alleged Kavanaugh Ice Throw (VIDEO)


Perhaps someday, scientists will be able to definitively trace the synapse sequence in the mind of CNN host Alisyn Camerota. For now, it would appear to work like this: because Brett Kavanaugh might have thrown ice at someone in a bar, it “makes more sense” that he sexually assaulted Christine Ford and prevented her from crying out by holding his hand over her mouth.

That, at least, was Camerota’s “logic” on New Day this morning. After John Avlon dismissed the alleged ice-throw incident as a “distraction” and “a degradation of the debate we’re having,” – READ  MORE


Sen. Maize Hirono (D., Hawaii) said on Tuesday that a story about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh throwing ice at someone’s face while he was in college shows why the FBI must conduct an investigation into his behavior.

CNN host John Berman asked the senator about a New York Times story, published Monday, that details a 1985 bar fight in which Kavanaugh was questioned by the police. Kavanaugh’s friend Chris Dudley threw a glass bottle at someone’s head and was arrested. Kavanaugh was accused of throwing ice at someone.

“I want to ask you about these new developments we found out overnight, these police documents that show that Brett Kavanaugh threw ice in someone’s face during a bar fight when he was in college. Do you feel that is in anyway disqualifying for someone in the Supreme Court?” Berman asked.

“This is why we need an FBI investigation, because there are a lot of allegations and the reports really are about how he behaves when he is drunk,” Hirono said. “So that is very relevant. And the portrayal of himself as practically a choir boy is contradicted by his roommate, for example, in high school and people in high school. This is why we need an FBI investigation, why we have been calling for one for what seems like months.” – READ MORE

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