Citing Previous ‘False Alarms,’ Tapper Says It’s Likely ‘A Lot Of People’ Are Happy Trump Was Golfing During Hawaii Incident


While interviewing Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) on Sunday’s “State of the Union,” Jake Tapper said he believes many people are glad that President Trump wasn’t watching “Fox & Friends” when news broke about Hawaii’s false alarm missile detection alert:

I don’t want to be flip about this. I think there are a lot of people out there who are happy that this at least didn’t happen while President Trump was watching “Fox & Friends,” and instead it happened when he was out on the golf course, and he was informed about this by layers of advisers and such. Because we know that, historically, misunderstandings and false alarms have almost led to nuclear confrontation, nuclear war.

Tapper’s correct in that the global community has, on multiple occasions, come dangerously close to accidental nuclear war. reports that on September 26, 1983, Russian satellites “misinterpreted the glint of sunlight off clouds near Montana as a missile launch.” The system alerted Lt. Colonel Stanislav Petrov, the officer on duty at Serpukhov-15, a Soviet missile monitoring station south of Moscow, that five ICMBs had been launched from the United States. – READ MORE


This worker really knew how to push Hawaii’s buttons.

The emergency alert about an incoming “ballistic missile threat” that jolted Hawaiians awake Saturday morning was a false alarm caused by someone hitting the “wrong button,” Gov. David Ige said.

“It was a mistake made during a standard procedure at the change over of a shift and an employee pushed the wrong button,” Gov. David Ige told CNN. “ The warning went out to cell phones, television and radio got the emergency alert.”

Terrified residents began tweeting about an alert they received on their cellphones at around 8 a.m. local time. – READ MORE


Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D) Politicizes False Missile Alert: “Our leaders have failed us. Donald Trump is taking too long. He’s not taking this threat seriously …”

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