Chuck Schumer Called For Military Parade In 2014 (VIDEO)


Democrats attacked President Donald Trump for wanting a military parade this week, even though Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer called for his own military parade back in 2014.

Democratic Rep. Jackie Speier called Trump’s idea of a military parade “authoritarian,” while Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse compared the practice to something that would be done by North Korea – READ MORE

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With President Donald Trump ordering the Department of Defense to start planning for a massive military parade, liberals had strong objections. They even resorted to comparing Trump to Adolf Hitler and Kim Jong Un.

Some, however, are determined to stop the parade dead in its tracks. Former Green Party Senate candidate and anti-war activist Arn Menconi has issued a call for people to stand in front of tanks, similar to the famous man standing in front of Chinese tanks during the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests.

“The reason I am making this livestream and video is a call to action,” Menconi said in a Facebook Live video. “This is becoming an authoritarian state. We need a grassroots effort today. – READ MORE

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It has been revealed that President Donald Trump has instructed the top brass at the Pentagon to plan for a large-scale military parade to take place in the nation’s capital. The parade is in its beginning stages, and a date has not yet been selected, although officials would reportedly like for it to occur on a patriotic holiday.

A senior White House official reiterated they are still “brainstorming” and that “right now, there’s really no meat on the bones.”

Even though nothing is set in stone, reactions from liberals have been strong. – READ MORE


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