Charles Barkley Says ‘Rich People Should Not Get Tax Breaks’ (VIDEO)


The ongoing misinformation campaign related to the GOP tax plan continued on Monday evening.

During commentary on the game between the Timberwolves and the Lakers, former basketball players Shaquille O’Neal and Charles Barkley wandered into a political conversation about President Trump and taxes.

Here is the pertinent portion of their exchange:

BARKLEY: Hey, at least we got our tax break. … I just want all these poor people to keep waiting for this “trickle down.” They’ve been waiting for like 400 years. It ain’t trickled down yet.

O’NEAL: You like that tax break, Chuck?

BARKLEY: Ah yeah, I don’t like it for poor people. Rich people should not get tax breaks, Shaq.

O’NEAL: I agree, Chuck. I agree.READ MORE

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