Cecile Richards Is Marketing Herself As A ‘Parenting Expert’ Now


Cecile Richards, rabid abortion activist and outgoing head of Planned Parenthood, took time out of her busy schedule overseeing the national abortion provider-slash-baby parts conglomerate to pen an essay on her “top ten tips” for raising kids (or, at least, the ones that survive Planned Parenthood).

In an excerpt from her new tell-all memoir, published in the Dallas Morning News, Cecile Richards tells of becoming unexpectedly pregnant, and, figuring that there was no “good” time to have a baby, she and her husband decided to simply “make it work” and that they’d “figure it out” — something she regularly encourages other women not to do.

But be that as it may, Richards goes on to describe the best way to raise children, using plenty of very pro-life ideas she clearly doesn’t realize are pro-life, including asking your friends and family to help out, and taking parenting one day at a time, always being prepared for the unexpected difficulties, but anticipating unplanned joy. – READ MORE

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