California Primary: Dem Antonio Villaraigosa Spent $35 Million to Come in Third


Former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Spent Almost $35 Million In The California Primary To Come In Third For Governor Behind Republican Businessman And First-time Candidate John Cox, Who Spent Just $6.6 Million.

Villaraigosa launched his campaign 2 days after the 2016 election of businessman and first-time candidate Donald Trump as U.S. President, with a somber video that backhanded Trump by stating: “We are a state that builds bridges, not walls. We are inclusive. We celebrate our diversity. And we welcome newcomers.”

He added, “We know the answer to fear is hope. The answer to division is unity. And the answer to the millions who feel they have no voice is to make sure they are always heard.”

Democrat Villaraigosa seemed the perfect social justice Latino candidate, having passed a $15 living wage; doubled high school graduation rates from 36 percent to 77 by reducing standards; increased sales taxes to raise $40 billion to expand public transit; and cut greenhouse gas emissions by nearly 30 percent.

The California governor’s race narrowed to a virtual tie in mid-February with Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom at 23 percent and Villaraigosa’s 21 percent, despite Newsom raising $10 million in 2017, versus just $4.4 million for Villaraigosa. Republican John Cox was far behind the leaders at just 7 percent support, having personally funded most of the $5 million in his campaign account. – READ MORE

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