Border Patrol Agent Hospitalized After Rock Attack


A Border Patrol agent patrolling the border on an ATV was hospitalized after being assaulted with a large rock. The attack occurred a few miles east of the San Ysidro Port of Entry in a known human smuggling area.

A Border Patrol agent assigned to the Chula Vista station sustained injuries after being “rocked” while patrolling along the border just north of Libertad Colonia, Border Patrol Agent Eduardo Olmos confirmed to Breitbart Texas on Sunday. The attacker struck the agent with a dodge ball sized rock as he patrolled on an ATV about 8:30 p.m. on Saturday. The agent was traveling about 20 m.p.h. when struck by the rock.

The agent patrolled along the primary fenceline in what Agent Olmos described as foggy conditions. “The smugglers take advantage of the fog to smuggle larger numbers of people across the border while the cameras have reduced visibility,” Olmos stated.

A group of people gathered along the southern side of the fence. It appears one of these people threw a large rock that struck the agent in the chest — knocking him off his ATV. “This is a very serious attack,” Olmos explained. – READ MORE

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