Black Leadership Group Defies Liberals, Scorches NYT Over Anti-White Editor


In an official release from Project 21, an organization for black conservatives, several members informed The Times of just how “racist” and “vulgar” they found Jeong’s anti-white tweets — of which there are literally hundreds over the span of several years — and called out the supposed “paper of record” for its readily apparent political bias.

“Ms. Jeong is the recipient of leftist privilege, which means that whatever she says can and will be forgiven no matter how vile or racist her actions may have been,” stated Stacy Washington, nationally syndicated radio host and co-chairwoman of Project 21.

“In response to the backlash over her addition to the New York Times editorial staff, the paper shared that they had discussions with her about the appropriateness of her tweets. This is within their purview, but the double-standard is glaring,” she continued.

“Roseanne Barr was blacklisted for one tweet. Even after she showed remorse and apologized profusely, there is no path of redemption for her. In the freest nation on the planet, we are witnessing jackbooted political thuggery,” Washington added.

A Project 21 member who serves as a political consultant, Rich Holt, said, “Sarah Jeong’s comments are antithetical in an age when we should be moving beyond racism to embrace our greater American identity.”

“This racist liberal engages in a divisive anti-white narrative that is just as damaging as black codes and segregation were in the past. As Americans, we need to erase the hyphens that divide us and embrace our unity under the red, white and blue,” added Holt.READ MORE


If you’re one of the visitors to the Wikipedia page of the newly minted New York Times editorial board member with a record of serial tweeting about the multitude of treacheries attributable to Caucasians, you’re probably looking for some background.

Not just background on her career, mind you, but background regarding the Twitter controversy.

Yet, up until very late in the game, no mention was made of Sarah Jeong’s racist tweets on her Wikipedia page. When mention did appear, it was only after a long and surprisingly heated debate over whether the most widely discussed event of Jeong’s public life should even appear on her page at all.

In case you’re unfamiliar with the particulars of how Wikipedia works, it’s run by a committee of volunteer editors who, while remaining anonymous, often grapple over controversial issues in what’s known as a “Talk Page.” In the most reductionist terms, it’s a message board in which they discuss various edits to any page.

Jeong’s Talk Page (which can be seen here) has been particularly active of late, yet the addition of the controversial tweets to her actual page was a long time in coming — something one editor noted in a portion of the discussion excerpted in The Daily Caller.

“Sarah Jeong is infamous for her racists (sic) tweets on twitter, most of the people who know her name will know her by her tweets,” the editor wrote. – READ MORE

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