CNN Panicking: Warns of ‘Unsettling’ Signs Dems Are Losing Hispanic Voters to Trump


In a lengthy and rather panicked article from CNN, it was noted that a number of political consultants and pollsters on the left were witnessing “unsettling signs” that Democrats would not see a large enough turnout among Hispanics and Latinos on Election Day, and even if such voters did turn out to vote, it likely wouldn’t be because of Trump’s purportedly racist actions and statements.

This despite the at times false and incessant harping from the liberal media about Trump supposedly calling all Mexicans rapists, or his efforts to end the unconstitutional Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or his “zero tolerance” border policy that exposed how illegal immigrant children have been separated from their families at the border for years, among other embellishments and outright lies about Trump and immigration.

“I still think it’s a little too soon to push the panic button, but having said that, we are not seeing the types of numbers with Hispanic voters that we should be seeing with the most hostile person to ever hold public office against Hispanics as the President,” stated Fernand Amandi, of the Democratic polling firm Bendixen & Amandi International.

“And that in and of itself is a concern. I’m flabbergasted,” he added.

Indeed, internal polling among Democrat groups focused on Hispanic and Latino voters have found that there is very little excitement and engagement among such voters in critical House and Senate races in such states as Arizona, California, Florida, Nevada and Texas, particularly in specific districts that Democrats previously assumed were virtual locks. – READ MORE


Unemployment for Hispanic workers again plumbed a new record low in July, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday.

The unemployment rate for Hispanic or Latino workers fell to 4.5 percent in the month, lower than the previous record of 4.6 percent that was set just the month before.

President Trump touted the unemployment numbers Wednesday in a meeting with inner-city pastors at the White House.

“So important, because we have companies, once again, coming back into our country, and they want to employ people,” he said. “So we’re training and working with these people, and we’re getting companies to do the same. It’s been — actually, it’s been a very beautiful thing.”  – READ MORE

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