This ‘Bitter Cold’ Is What Global Warming Looks Like, Explains Al Gore


Just when you thought the Big Freeze couldn’t get any worse, here’s Al Gore to twist the knife.

Yep. Where others might see a crisis, Al Gore has spotted a Rahm-Emanuel-style opportunity to promote his renewables scam. This bitter cold, he wants you to know, isn’t a sign that his global warming theory is a busted flush. It’s a sign that he’s even more right than ever before!

Well, you’ve got to admire his chutzpah.

And he’s found the perfect huckster to promote the virtues of his miracle snake oil: none other than Michael “Hockey Stick” Mann.

Wherever you’re shivering, right now, I’d like to set you a challenge. I want you to see if you can get to the end of this article, written by Mann, without being possessed by an unstoppable urge to head to the Arctic with as many RPGs as you can lay your hands on in order to destroy as many polar bears as you can. Or, failing that, to pour some bleach into your nearest colony of snaildarters. – READ MORE

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