Arnold Schwarzenegger Admits He ‘Stepped over the Line Several Times’ with Women


Actor And Environmental Activist Arnold Schwarzenegger Admitted In An Interview Released Tuesday With Men’s Healthmagazine That He “stepped Over The Line” Multiple Times With Women — An Admission Which Comes Nearly 15 Years After The Former Bodybuilder Denied Accusations Of Sexual Assault While Running For The Governor Of California.

Reflecting on his bodybuilding days, the Terminator star says, “Looking back, I stepped over the line several times, and I was the first one to say sorry.”

“I feel bad about it, and I apologize. When I became governor, I wanted to make sure that no one, including me, ever makes this mistake,” Schwarzenegger told the men’s lifestyle magazine. “That’s why we took sexual-harassment courses, to have a clear understanding, from a legal point of view and also from a regular behavior point of view, of what is accepted and what is not.”

Despite masculinity becoming increasingly frowned upon in today’s politically correct culture, Schwarzenegger says manliness will forever be a part of his identity. – READ MORE



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