Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak slams Facebook, joins #DeleteFacebook movement


Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak has become the latest high-profile personality to hop aboard the #DeleteFacebook bandwagon. The outspoken tech legend slammed Facebook on Sunday with comments that echoed recent statements made but another big name tied to Apple: CEO Tim Cook.

“Users provide every detail of their life to Facebook and … Facebook makes a lot of advertising money off this,” Wozniak said in a statement to USA Today. “The profits are all based on the user’s info, but the users get none of the profits back.”

Wozniak continued, saying that he would rather pay Facebook than use it for free and have his personal information “exploited” for advertising. The tech icon confirmed to the news site that he will leave Facebook because of his concern for the careless way the company handles sensitive user data.

“Apple makes its money off of good products, not off of you,” Wozniak added. “As they say, with Facebook, you are the product.” – READ MORE

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