AMAZING: Lindsey Graham Sets Trap By Quoting Clinton Defender James Carville. The Left Falls In Head-First. (VIDEO)


On Wednesday, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) made an audience of liberals gasp when he paraphrased prominent Democrat operative James Carville, a rabid defender of alleged sexual assaulter and former President Bill Clinton, while speaking at The Atlantic Fest.

And they should be appalled, since Graham was showcasing the Democrats’ past treatment of female accusers by merely paraphrasing Carville slandering Clinton accuser Paula Jones in the 1990s. Jones, who said she was sexually harassed by Clinton while he was governor of Arkansas, was eventually paid off $850,000 by Clinton to drop her lawsuit.

“If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find,” Carville famously stated in defense of Clinton.- READ MORE


Sen. Lindsey Graham joined Sean Hannity to weigh in on the political implications of the Brett Kavanaugh controversy, warning red state Senate Democrats up for re-election in November that they’re “toast” if they vote “no” on the Supreme Court nominee.

He also pointed to a recent poll that found that 60 percent of voters in North Dakota support Kavanaugh’s confirmation, while only 27 percent oppose.

“They’re toast if they vote ‘no,’ and they should be,” Graham said. “President Trump won these states promising to nominate conservative judges who are well-qualified.”

He said Kavanaugh — who has served on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia for 12 years and worked in the George W. Bush White House before that — clearly fits that description. – READ MORE

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