Acosta Wonders Why Americans Hate Media, Maybe It’s Because They Call Us Nazis


In case you’ve been asleep for these past few days, let me explain. Acosta — best known as CNN’s petulant, glib, openly anti-Trump White House correspondent — attended one of President Donald Trump’s campaign-style rallies in Tampa, Florida. This wasn’t the first time he had attended these events, and every time he’s used the occasion as an opportunity to jape and condemn Trump supporters.

This time, Trump fans decided to give him a warm welcome, chanting “CNN sucks” and showing him a certain finger in a gesture that wasn’t a thumbs-up.

“Just a sample of the sad scene we faced at the Trump rally in Tampa. I’m very worried that the hostility whipped up by Trump and some in conservative media will result in somebody getting hurt,” Acosta said in a tweet, together with footage of his reception. “We should not treat our fellow Americans this way. The press is not the enemy.”

So, what could they possibly have been angry about? I don’t know. Maybe it was stuff like this:

Yes, CNN doesn’t do anything Trump fans could call objectionable, like wondering aloud if Donald Trump — and, by association, his supporters — are in league with fascists like the Nazis. They don’t, for instance, have contributors that actually rationalize violence against Trump supporters, in particular a teenage boy who had a drink thrown in his face for wearing a MAGA cap. They don’t have contributors saying that “folks calling for civility might need to check their privilege.” They don’t have viewers of “news outlets that just sort of give them this daily diet of what they consider to be terrible things” berating NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch by calling her a “murderer” at a CNN town hall. None of these things have happened. And by none, I of course mean all of them.

And this isn’t all of the abuse that fans of the president take, particularly on the Trump = fascism front. Here’s a screenshot of just three pages of the roughly 10,900,000 results produced when you do a Google search on “Trump fascism”:


And while some of them are of the “No, Trump isn’t a fascist, you idiot” variety, there’s plenty of news stories documenting Trump and administration officials being called fascists or talking about how the president is a fascist — like “Yes, Trump is a Fascist — Here’s the Checklist.” – READ MORE



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