WSJ’s Freeman: 2017 Politico Investigation Puts Hillary Clinton in Ukraine ‘Spotlight’


The Wall Street Journal’s (WSJ) James Freeman observed Monday that Hillary Clinton is now joining Joe Biden in the “new spotlight” on the United States’ relations with Ukraine.

Freeman, the assistant editor of the WSJ’s editorial page, noted that Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley (IA) and Ron Johnson (WI) wrote Monday morning to Attorney General William Barr, asking if he has come up with any answers to the question of whether the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign used the government of Ukraine “for the express purpose of finding negative information on then-candidate Trump in order to undermine his campaign.”

Grassley originally wrote in July 2017 regarding whether the DNC and the Clinton campaign had used the Ukraine government in order to sabotage the Trump campaign.

The senators continued:

That letter also highlighted news reports that, during the 2016 presidential election, “Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump” and did so by “disseminat[ing] documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggest[ing] they were investigating the matter[.]” Ukrainian officials also reportedly “helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers.”

The plan involved Alexandra Chalupa, reportedly a “Ukrainian-American operative” consulting for the DNC. – READ MORE

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