A Worried FBI Rolls Out Gowdy and Deep State Pimps for Sunday Morning News Shows


The amazing thing here is not that the FBI is rolling out its soldiers to defend the disgraced law enforcement agency.

The amazing thing is that the D.C. elite think that Americans care what the hell is on TV News shows on Sunday morning like Meet the Press, Face the Nation and whatever else is broadcasted from the bowels of the nation’s capital.

Only the Beltway insiders truly care about that nonsense and it has been that way since Howard Kurtz was hosting cable-access TV in D.C. thirty years ago. But it has gotten very bleak in recent years for these Sunday morning news soldiers.

Real Americans do not have time for inside baseball nor do they care what relics have to say on current events, especially when the opinion givers have a laundry list of their own government scandals. See Susan Rice and Benghazi with the YouTube video lies.

Enter Robert Gates.

If Gates had any decency he’d be hiding under a rock for how he conducted himself in office.

Then, of course, there’s all-talk Trey Gowdy who took to Fox News Sunday to profess his continuing love affair for U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Intelligent patriots understand here Gowdy is spewing nonsense. Mueller’s team is a national disgrace and his record in government is even worse. The fact that this team is still active is perhaps one of the biggest farces in modern D.C. politics. This makes Gowdy’s tow-the-line sentiments not only hollow, but borderline puppetesque.

Look no further on an early Sunday morning to find Lindsey Graham in the middle of another patented flip flop. One day he is for reforming a corrupt FBI, the next day he is for protecting the wayward agency.

The Sunday news shows for decades try to frame the news cycle for the coming days and new week in D.C. but today, the news cycle moves so swiftly, the shows no longer have that clout. Yet, they still try to set up the MSM talking points.

The problem?

No one is listening anymore.

Because they understand this is propaganda.

They understand now that the opposite of what these career chameleons on TV are saying is true: The FBI is in trouble.

And the mere fact that these people are on TV on a Sunday morning means that the talking heads and the D.C. insiders expect things to get even worse for the FBI.

And very soon.

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