WATCH: AG Jeff Sessions Joins ‘Lock Her Up’ Chant


Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday chuckled along as a group of high school students he spoke to chanted “lock her up.”

The chant, a reference among President Trump‘s supporters to Hillary Clinton, began after Sessions lamented the spread of “trigger warnings” and “safe spaces” on college campuses around the country during remarks at Turning Point USA’s High School Leadership Summit in Washington, D.C., where hundreds of high school students were in attendance.

Sessions reacted with approval after the crowd jeered examples of schools that have offered therapy dogs and coloring books to help students cope with stress. – READ MORE


Attorney General Jeff Sessions delivered a blistering attack on campus culture in front of a group of conservative high school students on Tuesday, saying that colleges are creating a generation of “supercilious snowflakes.”

“Rather than molding a generation of mature, well-informed adults, some schools are doing everything they can to create a generation of sanctimonious, sensitive, supercilious snowflakes,” Sessions said during a speech at Turning Point USA’s High School Leadership Summit in Washington.

Sessions focused much of his address on railing against what he called the suppression of free speech on college campuses and hostility against conservative students.

He added that instead of fostering open debate on campus, school administrations are bowing to liberal ideologies and “coddling students” with trigger warnings, crying rooms and therapy sessions.

“Too many schools are coddling students,” Sessions said. “There was a ‘cry-in’ at Cornell after the 2016 election, therapy dogs at the University of Kansas. … I hope they had plenty of tissues.” – READ MORE

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