WATCH: Undercover Video Shows Staffers For Democrat Bredesen Saying He Lied To Voters About Support For Kavanaugh


In a newly released video by conservative activist James O’Keefe, staffers for Tennessee Democratic senatorial candidate Phil Bredesen tell O’Keefe’s undercover reporters that the Democratic senatorial candidate had publicly “lied” about his supposed support for Brett Kavanaugh because he believed it would win over some of the moderate Republican vote.

In a secretly recorded exchange, two staffers for Bredesen’s campaign explained that while Bredesen said publicly that he would vote to confirm Kavanaugh, that was just a “political move” that Bredesen felt necessary because he was 8 points behind Republican candidate Marsha Blackburn and a strong majority of Tennesseans wanted to see Kavanaugh confirmed.

“Like, he wouldn’t really vote yes [for Kavanaugh,] would he?” an undercover reporter asked.READ MORE


Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn (Tn) Has An Eight-point Lead Over Democrat Phil Bredesen In The Race For Outgoing Sen. Bob Corker’s (R-tn) Seat In November, According To A New Poll.

The poll published by CBS/YouGov on Sunday shows Blackburn at 50 percent versus Bredesen’s 42 percent.

Polls earlier in the year had shown Blackburn behind Bredesen by two points. The CBS/YouGov poll was conducted in the lead-up to the Senate’s vote on confirming Justice Brett Kavanaugh, between Oct. 2-5.

An overwhelming plurality of likely voters said Kavanaugh should be confirmed — 47 percent to 30 percent.

A majority of likely voters—55 percent—said Kavanaugh’s nomination made them “more motivated to go out and vote this year.” Only four percent said it made them “less motivated,” and 41 percent said it had no impact on how they felt about voting. – READ MORE

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