WATCH: Republican Senate Candidate Uses Democrats’ Own Words Against Them On Scandalous Allegations


New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez was supposed to skate to a relatively easy victory in November, but recent polling indicates that the Democrat might not be the lock his party desperately needs him to be to have any chance at winning the Senate.

Amid scandalous accusations that make those against Brett Kavanaugh look tame, the embattled senator is up by only 5-points in recent polling over his Republican challenger, Bob Hugin. In a series of ads, Hugin has been hitting Menendez where it hurts — and using the senator’s own statements and the words of his fellow Democrats against him.

“It’s right here in this shocking FBI affidavit,” says the narrator in an ad Hugin pushed out following Menendez’s criticism of the FBI’s Kavanaugh investigation. “President Obama’s Justice Department had evidence that for several years, Senator Menendez had been traveling to the Dominican Republic to engage in sexual activity with prostitutes – some of whom were minors.”- READ MORE


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