WATCH: NBC’s Chuck Todd drops major admission about Michael Avenatti’s role in anti-Kavanaugh charade


“Michael Avenatti is probably the best thing to happen to Brett Kavanaugh. All these Democrats that have been flirting with him, they’ve got to really be embarrassed by him now,” Todd said Friday on “MTP Daily.”

Todd added that Avenatti “diluted” the accusations raised by Christine Blasey Ford, which ultimately “cheapened the whole thing.”

Todd’s comments came during a panel discussion on comments Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) made from the Senate floor Friday, when she announced she would vote for Kavanaugh and explained why in thorough detail. – READ MORE


A breaking news editor at CNN slammed porn lawyer Michael Avenatti on Friday for damaging the Democrats’ takedown campaign aimed at Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Kyle Feldscher made the remarks in response to a tweet from Avenatti, who was angered after Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) announced on Friday that they would vote to confirm Kavanaugh to the nation’s highest court.

Collins’ announcement on Friday afternoon was the nail in the coffin for the Democrats. – READ MORE

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