WATCH: Anti-Kavanaugh protesters asked if he should be given due process. Their answers are scary.


The bedrock of the American justice system is due process, which stipulates that those accused of crimes are entitled to the presumption of innocence. Unfortunately, this foundational principle was not afforded to Brett Kavanaugh after multiple women came forward with unsubstantiated claims of sexual assault.

So how do Americans feel about this? The Daily Caller’s Benny Johnson asked anti-Kavanaugh protesters this week whether Kavanaugh deserves due process and the presumption of innocence. Their answers were nothing short of stunning. – READ MORE


Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-or) Told Protesters Gathered At The Capitol On Friday To Oppose Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh That The Federal Judge Has A “record Of Abusing Women” And In College, Joined A Fraternity That “specialized” In That Abuse.

“We heard about his record of treatment of women — not just from the brave women who came forward but also in the comments that he made that he tried to disgrace and participated in the shaming of a high school acquaintance in his yearbook,” Merkley told the small crowd of booing protesters

“We heard about the fact that he chose to join a fraternity that specialized in abusing women,” Merkley said. “He joined a secret society that was known for that reputation.”

“This is not a criminal court examination,” Merkley said. “This is a job interview, and in this job interview, an individual with this record of abusing women, treating women in this capacity, should never get hired” – READ MORE

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