WATCH: MSNBC Interview Goes Bad When Border Couple Insists on Telling Truth


During an interview with a husband and wife who own a ranch north of the Rio Grande, the left-leaning network repeatedly asked leading questions that were clearly meant to invoke sympathy and add spin to their report.

Presnall and Stephanie Cage, the married ranch owners being interviewed, saw right through MSNBC’s attempt to direct the narrative, and instead told the blunt truth.

“When you see parents and children separated, why do you support the policy that, to many people, appears to be heartless?” asked MSNBC’s Kerry Sanders.

Note to reporters: This is called a leading question and they used to teach why this is wrong in Journalism 101. Your job isn’t to tell people to their faces how they’re supposed to feel about a topic. That’s the difference between journalism and propaganda. – READ MORE

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