WATCH: Korean War Vet Sings Trump’s Praises as Remains of Fallen Brothers Are Finally Returned Home


To one Korean War veteran, President Donald Trump is “the second father of our country” for the deal Trump struck to bring home the remains of Americans killed in the Korean War.

Some have called the Korean War the “forgotten war.” But today, we prove these heroes were never forgotten. Today, our boys are coming home,” Pence said, according to Real Clear Politics.

The spectacle of the remains of dead Americans returning home was a moving one for Samuel Fielder, a Korean War veteran who was interviewed by The Daily Caller.

President Trump has done a great honor for this country,” Fielder said.

“He has fought for us, and he’s got these prisoners coming home, and all the people in the United States should be cheering and thanking him for it, not knocking him for it,” he said. Fielder blamed the media for dividing America. – READ MORE


Vice President Mike Pence stood with Defense Department officials in a hangar in Hawaii Wednesday to welcome home 55 boxes of remains which the North Korean government says are of American servicemen who disappeared during the Korean War.

Some 7,700 men went missing in the armed conflict which ended in 1953 (but was only officially brought to a close as part of American negotiations with North Korea earlier this year). Around 5,300 are believed to have died behind enemy lines in North Korea.

“Whosoever emerges from these aircraft today begins a new season of hope for the families of our missing fallen,” Pence told a gathered group that included the families of many of the men who fought in the Korean War but never returned home. “Hope that those who are lost will yet be found. Hope that after so many years of questions, they will have closure.”

“Each container was accompanied by one Marine, one sailor, one soldier and one airman. They set the caskets gently on risers lined up inside the hangar as Pence stood watching with his hand over his heart. Adm. Phil Davidson, commander of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, saluted,” Fox News reported. – READ MORE

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