WATCH: Hillary Said In 2010 That Obama Wanted To ‘Strengthen Russia’


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in a 2010 interview on Russian television with Vladimir Pozner that the Obama administration wanted to “help strengthen Russia.”

“What is being done to make it easier for Americans to come to Russia and for Russians to visit America?” Pozner asked.

“Well, we want to encourage a lot more travel and a lot more exchanges,” Clinton responded. “As we move forward and we get more experience between our two countries and facilitating business travel, tourism travel, education travel, every kind of travel, I think it will become, at least I hope, easier and easier.” – READ MORE


On Thursday, twice-failed presidential hopeful Hillary ‘Benghazi’ Clinton had the nerve to accuse the Trump White House of not defending Obama’s Ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul.

Clinton’s State Department failed to protect Christopher Stevens, an Ambassador to Libya and Sean Smith, a diplomat and information management officer in Benghazi, Libya, resulting in their deaths.

We also lost two retired Navy SEALs, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty on the night of September 11,2012 because of Hillary Clinton’s refusal to send help.

Hillary Clinton’s State Department gave stand down orders to Special Ops forces ready to go in and help Americans who were surrounded by hundreds of Islamic insurgents in Benghazi, Libya in September of 2012.- READ MORE

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