WATCH: Army General Schools CNN’s Cuomo on Trump’s NATO, Russia Policies


Between President Trump’s trip to the NATO summit last week and his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday, the liberal media had been trying to portray Trump as a bull in a china shop damaging relationships with allies and upending global norms. During Wednesday’s edition of Cuomo PrimeTime, CNN host Chris Cuomo attempted to continue that narrative only to have it turned around on him by Brigadier General Anthony Tata (U.S. Army Retired).

Cuomo was offended that President Trump was demanding NATO members pay the defense obligations they agreed to and was hoping to get the General to slam the President for it. “This idea that the United States will back you as a NATO ally if you pay your share, is that the right message to send,” Cuomo scoffed.

But General Tata didn’t buy into Cuomo suggestions. “I think any discussion on the threshold on decision-making with regard to combat or decision-making regarding coming to the aid of a NATO member is a good discussion to have,” he stated. “The President has been consistent on his message. You’ve got to pay your fair share. And you know, it’s a good discussion to have.” – READ MORE


Did something get into the water at the New York Times? Because the latest from their Editorial Board – which “represents the opinions of the board, its editor and the publisher,” is entitled:

Trump Got From NATO Everything Obama Ever Asked For

It begins:

Now that the smoke has cleared from the NATO summit meeting, the most tangible result is apparent: President Trump advanced President Barack Obama’s initiative to keep the allies on track to shoulder a more equitable share of NATO’s costs. Mr. Trump even signed on to a tough statement directed at Russia. For once he saw eye to eye with his predecessor. –New York Times

To be sure, the Times dings Trump for bruising a few EU egos (while making his Chief of Staff John Kelly cringe during a particularly blunt public excoriation of Germany), and they rebuke the President for suggesting the US might withdraw from NATO if military spending targets aren’t met by member nations. At the end of the day, however, the New York Times just gave President Trump massive credit for achieving significant progress on a longstanding dispute over fairness and commitments. – READ MORE

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