WATCH: Adam Schiff Slams Trey Gowdy For ‘Prostrating’ Himself Before Trump; Then Gowdy Beats Him Like a Rented Mule



On Thursday, a fired-up Trey Gowdy torn into Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) for his biased and unethical behavior in office. “I don’t think anybody on my side of the aisle gives much of a damn of what Adam Schiff thinks,” Gowdy bluntly stated during his fiery rebuke of the Democrat on Fox News’ “Hannity.”

The South Carolina rep. was responding to Schiff’s attack on him and other House Republicans on the Intelligence Committee. Appearing on CNN last month, Schiff said there are “too many members of Congress trying to prostrate themselves” before President Donald Trump “and give him anything he wants.”

“The four horsemen of this apocalypse have been Devin Nunes, Trey Gowdy, Mark Meadows, and Jim Jordan,” Schiff continued. “They have been leading the charge basically to require the Justice Department to give them materials that can be leaked or fed or misrepresented … in the service of the President.”

Gowdy pulled no punches with his scathing response, calling out Schiff for his glaring self-interest and partisan protection of twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

“Let me tell you this about Adam,” started in Gowdy. “Adam’s had a terrible last couple of years. He wanted to be the attorney general under Hillary Clinton, and no one in the country worked harder to protect her than Adam Schiff. He wanted to be the head of the CIA. He wanted to run for Senate in the People’s Republic of California, but he couldn’t win either of those seats. So now, he wants to be the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.”


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