There seemed to be some kind of scuffle between reporters at Trump’s meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae-in.
After the two presidents concluded their meeting, audio picked up reporters discussing being assaulted and almost knocking over a lamp during the event.
“That guy was literally…that shit was nuts!” one reporter can be heard saying as the camera jostles.
Another chimes in, “I mean, this guy was assaulting me on the way in!”
“I know, I got shoved completely,” another responds.
MSNBC’s Peter Alexander was smiling when the camera cut back to him and said, “I’m not sure exactly what we’re hearing behind the scenes, looks like a little bit of getting roughed up in some form.”
According to MSNBC, who discussed the scene later on, reporters were jostling for position in the meeting and one almost knocked over a lamp. Luckily, the lamp was caught before it could topple over.
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