President Donald Trump announced Thursday that he intends to bring on former Federal Election Commission member Hans von Spakovsky and former Texas Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson to his administration.
Bailey Hutchinson was formally nominated to serve as ambassador to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and von Spakovsky will be appointed to serve on the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.
Hutchinson,73, served as a Republican senator until 2012 when she decided to not run for re-election. “I am honored to be nominated by [President Trump] to be Ambassador for the United States to [NATO]..our most important security alliance,” Hutchinson said in a tweet.
President Trump will travel to a G20 summit in Germany next week and National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster told reporters on Thursday that POTUS will make America’s commitment to the alliance clear.
Von Spakovksy’s nomination is sure to please conservatives. He is currently a senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation and part of his work there is concentrating on voter fraud.
He wrote in a December 2016 op-ed with John Fund that “there is a real chance that significant numbers of noncitizens and others are indeed voting illegally, perhaps enough to make up the margin in some elections.”
The commission he is set to join will investigate this specific case.
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