USA Today Op-Ed: ‘Trump Broke The Presidency. It’s Time To Get Rid Of The Job Altogether.’


Now, Tina Dupuy, a former Capitol Hill staffer who has written for Vox and Mother Jones, thinks we oughta’ just do away with the presidency.

“Donald Trump broke the presidency. It’s time to get rid of the job altogether,” says the headline of her piece in USA Today.

Abolish the POTUS!

We’ve seen it: the belligerent typo-ridden tweets; the fawning press conferences with autocrats and overlords; the self-described Nazis on parade praising an American president’s name. We have seen it with our own eyes. There is a bloated authoritarian lounging in his bathrobe in a 200-year-old mansion that used to symbolize the principal republic of the world.

This is a man who openly conspired to cheat with the help of a hostile foreign nation in a federal election. On election night, he came in second place, yet due to a scab of slavery in the Constitution (the electoral college), this usurper has the full power of the most powerful military in history, command of the treasury, the absolute power to pardon and he can unilaterally annihilate millions of people with his command to deploy nuclear weapons. He’s made refugees begging us for mercy into orphans hoping it will deter other asylum seekers — because he can. He’s now poised to put a man on the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh, who believes in supreme leaders (if they’re Republican that is).READ MORE

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