US Intelligence Worried About Hidden Nuclear Sites KJU Is Running Despite Denuclearization Talks


North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s commitments to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula are again in question after a report revealed U.S. intelligence suspects North Korea is boosting nuclear fuel production at secret sites.

North Korea apparently has increased the production of fuel for the making of nuclear weapons at multiple secret sites in recent months, despite repeated assurances to the U.S., South Korea and China that the rogue regime is committed to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, NBC reported Friday evening, citing more than a dozen U.S. officials.

The report was confirmed by other outlets as well.

North Korea has put a moratorium on weapons testing, but “there’s no evidence that they are decreasing stockpiles, or that they have stopped their production,” an official explained to NBC.

“There is absolutely unequivocal evidence that they are trying to deceive the U.S.,” the official added.

The most prominent enrichment facility is at Yongbyon, but many Korea watchers have long suspected there were other facilities. – READ MORE

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