Truth About Girl on Cover Destroys Time Magazine’s Credibility


It was the image that became emblematic of children separated from their parents as they crossed the border — a young girl crying that was featured on the front cover of Time Magazine.

Yanela Denise, 2-years-old, was crying as her mother was apprehended entering the United States from Honduras. The image was photoshopped as if she was confronting President Donald Trump, staring down at her as if terminally uncaring about her plight.

The reader must have imagined that the crying toddler was about to be “ripped” from her parents (“ripped” being the word of the moment, repeated ad nauseaum by the media whenever any discussion of immigration takes place) and taken to a Dickensian child warehousing facility where she’d be fed gruel and lost in some sort of bureaucratic maze.

There was just one problem: The only parent Yanela was separated from was her father, and it wasn’t by the U.S. government or the Trump administration.

According to the U.K. Daily Mail, the girl’s father, 32-year-old Denis Javier Varela Hernandez, says that his wife Sandra Maria Sanchez took his daughter on the dangerous journey from Honduras to reach the U.S. border on June 3 without notifying him.

In most countries, absconding with a child without telling the other parent is typically frowned upon by the law — but that’s hardly the only thing about this image that we didn’t hear about when it first made headlines.READ MORE

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