Trump’s North Korea Tweets Aren’t Going To Lead To Nuclear War. Just Stop.


On Tuesday night, an apparently-bored President Trump took to Twitter to drop some hot takes on North Korea and the media. Here’s what he tweeted, sending the media into paroxysms of orgasmic faux-panic:

This prompted absolute in-the-background-of-a-Kevin-Bacon-shot-Animal-House-style panic from the mainstream media. John Heilemann stated on Morning Joe on MSNBC that the tweets made Trump seem “demented and deranged.” Jimmy Kimmel stated that “we have two maniacs with nuclear warheads bragging about who has the bigger button.”

If anyone really believes that Kim Jung Un will launch nukes at the United States based on a tweet, ending his own life and destroying his regime with one press of a button, that’s patently nuts. The Kim family is interested only in maintaining power. They’re not interested in anything beyond posturing, and they’re certainly not interested in an actual nuclear exchange. – READ MORE

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