Trump Tower ‘well built,’ but lacks sprinklers on upper floors, FDNY commissioner says


When President Donald Trump expressed thanks via Twitter to New York City firefighters following Saturday’s deadly fire at Trump Tower, he mentioned the fire was “very confined” because the tower was a “well built building.”

New York City Fire Commissioner Daniel Nigro confirmed as much afterward, when talking with reporters after blaze, which killed a 67-year-old resident of a 50th floor apartment.

“It’s a well-built building,” Nigro said.

The cause of the late afternoon fire was still being investigated, but Nigro noted that the apartment belonging to art dealer Todd Brassner, who later died in a hospital, was “virtually entirely on fire,” when city firefighters arrived.

Nigro noted that the upper “residence floors” of the 58-story building, which opened in 1983, lack fire sprinklers.READ MORE

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