Trump Mocks CNN For ‘Going Wild’ Over Him Signing MAGA Hats For Troops


President Trump took a break from blasting out tweets smacking the “Obstructionist Democrats” for blocking the border wall on Thursday to take a swipe at another one of his favorite targets: CNN and the rest of the “Fake News Universe.” The occasion? The latest faux scandal, which is already backfiring on the glaringly partisan outlet that manufactured it.

“CNN & others within the Fake News Universe were going wild about my signing MAGA hats for our military in Iraq and Germany,” Trump wrote Thursday evening. “If these brave young people ask me to sign their hat, I will sign. Can you imagine my saying NO? We brought or gave NO hats as the Fake News first reported!”

On Thursday, CNN targeted the U.S. troops in Iraq who asked President Trump to sign their “Make America Great Again” hats and their “Trump 2020” patches during his visit Wednesday to air bases in Iraq and Germany. The network dedicated a segment of “The Situation Room” on the supposed controversy and published a follow-up on its website that suggested troops violated rules by asking Trump to sign their pro-Trump gear.- READ MORE



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