Trump evangelical adviser says there’s ‘high level of confidence’ overturning Roe v. Wade is possible


One of President Trump‘s evangelical advisers says America’s evangelical Christians are more confident than ever that the landmark abortion case Roe V. Wade could be overturned under Trump’s presidency.

Johnnie Moore, a Southern Baptist minister and CEO of The Kairos Company who was a co-chairman of Trump’s evangelical advisory board during his campaign, told The Associated Press in an interview that despite Trump’s public cautioning that he won’t ask potential nominees to the Supreme Court about their stance on abortion, evangelicals remain highly confident in Trump’s eventual pick to fill the recent vacancy.

“The left is going to try very hard to say this is all about overturning Roe,” Moore told the AP, before adding: “There is a high level of confidence within the community that overturning Roe is actually, finally possible.”

“Evangelicals have never been more confident in the future of America than they are now. It’s just a fact,” he said.

Other evangelical advisers to Trump’s administration and campaign said sweeping changes to abortion law would not be as easy as a change at the Supreme Court level. Prominent supporter Rev. Jerry Falwell Jr. told the AP that most states would likely keep abortion legal even if the ruling were reversed. – READ MORE

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