Trump Campaign Boss Calls Iowa Caucus Delayed DEM Results “Rigged” While DEMS Viciously Ridiculed


Brad Parscale tells it like it is.

And he wasn’t the only GOP official calling the Iowa Caucus delayed results of the Democratic candidates rigged on Monday.

Are these Dems in the bag for Biden in Iowa and using delays to toss Bernie to the curb?


This story is developing.

UPDATE: As it turns out, tech snafus and ‘human error’ weren’t solely to blame for last night’s caucus catastrophe. A columnist for the Iowa Gazette reported that new rules introduced for this year’s caucus, plus a lack of clarity on the rules of the esoteric ritual apparently prompted some local precinct supervisors to make illegal decisions about supporters of ‘non-viable’ candidates joining together.

After the Warren campaign spent hours instructing its precinct captains in the arcane rules of the caucus, some wondered whether nonpartisan volunteers in charge of the process had received adequate training.

“Are you going to report how this was a (beep) show?” asked Megan Lange, a Warren supporter. “If this is going on in other caucuses, how reliable is it?”

“We had to do two hours of training so we knew how it was supposed to work,” said Diane Bean, another Warren backer, who wondered whether volunteers were trained well enough.

“This is like a badly organized middle school assembly,” Harris said. “As a young voter, this is very disappointing.”

The circumstances in Mario will likely lead to Warren challenging the results.

Volunteers messed up. And their late efforts to pull Marion 5 out of the dumpster fire might have fared better if more people had waited to go from being caucusgoers to home-goers. By the time the problem was identified, too few Democrats remained in the gym for a replay call.

“We regret the confusion,” said Barb Wild, a caucus volunteer. She encouraged Warren supporters to document the problems so lessons can be learned. A complaint is likely.

The takeaway: Even once they’ve finished counting the votes, millions of Americans will likely refuse to recognize this as a legitimate reflection of the ‘will of the people’. – READ MORE

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